Peace over Panic, Faith over Fear, Wisdom over Worry

March 13, 2020

Dear Cathedral Family,

During times of uncertainty, when fear presses in and the unknowns seem overwhelming, I pause and check my anchor. What keeps me steady during stormy times like these? I draw strength and stability from the truths that I know about who God is, what His heart toward me is, how I’ve seen Him move in the past, and the promises and power I have access to as a believer and follower of Christ.

Dave referred to it in his video explaining our response to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation earlier this week:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7).

We’re fully aware that the atmosphere is charged with anxious thoughts, fear and worry; but these are not from God. Quite the opposite! God is with us, and we get to choose what overwhelms us: peace over panic, faith over fear, wisdom over worry.

I really believe that, in times of crisis, the Church (the gathering of believers) is needed more than ever before. I think we all need the encouragement and hope that comes from being together – to worship, pray and study God’s Word. I’m believing God for a great time as we gather this Sunday at our regular service times.

If you have any concerns about public gatherings at this time, please be released from any expectations you think we might have on you to attend. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you and use good common sense.

I do ask you to use wisdom in the days ahead. If you’re feeling sick in any way or have health issues that make you more susceptible, please stay home, and join us online at 9am or 11am. You can read about all the precautions we’re taking here.

We have what our world needs during this time – HOPE! The hope that we demonstrate as we love God and love people. Could I encourage you, even in the midst of “social distancing” that creates physical space to slow the spread of germs, would you do more “relational reaching”?

    • Send texts and emails, make phone calls, send cards in the mail when God brings someone to your mind.
    • Check on the elderly, those you haven’t heard from in a while, someone you know who struggles with anxiety. Be brave and make the first move!
    • Offer to help someone who is sick by picking up medicine, bringing food or dropping off supplies at the front door.
    • Let us know if someone in your world is sick and in need.
    • Express gratitude – it makes you happier and boosts your immune system.
    • Pray, prepare, pray, prepare, and pray some more!

I’m not sure how long this challenge will last, but I know this, we’re all in this together. We’re going to continue to pray as a church family. We’re going to pray for solutions, for the leaders that are making decisions, for healing for those who are sick, for protection for those in the healthcare and service industries, (add your prayer request here).

We’re believing that we’re going to come out of this season stronger and better, and that somehow God’s going to bring good even out of this thing that seems so bad.

I’m praying for you!

Mike Lewis