Note from Mike – Citizens of the Kingdom

June 8, 2017

Hello Cathedral Family,

The Beatitudes are a description of the citizens of the kingdom of God. This is what threw so many religious leaders in Israel for a loop when Jesus arrived declaring to be the Messiah. They had an expectation of what the citizens of God’s kingdom looked like and it was NOTHING like what Jesus was describing. Peacemakers? If by peacemakers you mean keeping the peace by a show of force, then yes. Persecuted? Wait…we’ve BEEN persecuted, shouldn’t that come to an end with the arrival of the Messiah? The picture Jesus painted was completely upside down from their way of thinking.

Last Sunday, 21 people decided to become Christ followers during the 11am service and 3 people made that decision in Growth Track! We’re still flying high over those salvations! That, my friends, is God’s kingdom coming and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven!

This Sunday, we’ll wrap up the Beatitudes from Matthew chapter 5. I encourage you to read and explore for yourself the kingdom of God as described by Jesus.

Vacation Bible School starts Monday! This is a great opportunity for you to invite children around you and introduce them to the church. They’ll have a blast, learn about God’s plan for their life, and probably do something you’ve been trying to do for a while…get their parents here!

I’ll see you Sunday!

Mike Lewis
