October 25, 2019

Dear Cathedral Family,

Thank you for being an amazing church! You’ve been so generous to our guests the past two Sundays – Adrian & Ophelia de Visser and Ladies of Lee. They all expressed their gratitude for your overwhelming hospitality and love! What we have here is something extremely special and rare and definitely worth sharing.

I’m so looking forward to this Sunday! We’ll be wrapping up our PRAY FIRST series. Jesus told his followers, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21b, NKJV) That’s us – Kingdom carriers!

How do we get the power of the Kingdom activated in our lives and then flowing out of us into the world around us?

One of the most powerful keys of the Kingdom is PRAISE. When we praise God, we declare His goodness and our focus shifts from our circumstances to the One who is greater than whatever we are facing. Our praise changes the atmosphere & makes room for God to move!

Another Kingdom key is the blood of Jesus! Through His sacrifice, we have forgiveness of our sins, access to abundant life, and power to defeat the enemy of our souls. That’s why we’ll be taking communion together this Sunday!

Consider inviting someone to join you! And be praying about who you’ll invite to our AT THE MOVIES series in November. We’re agreeing with you for folks to respond to your personal invitation. It’s going to be an amazing month that prepares us for the coming holiday season.

Until Sunday, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26, ESV)

Pray First,

Mike Lewis