January 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

I believe God has something BIG for YOU in 2019! We’re just a few days into a brand-new year filled with great potential for dreams, both new and long awaited, becoming reality. NEW YEAR, NEW HOPE – that’s our theme as we start 2019!

To fully embrace what 2019 has to offer, it’s important to handle ending 2018 well. Perhaps 2018 was so amazing that you wonder what could top it. Or, maybe for you, the clock couldn’t strike midnight on December 31 fast enough.

Here’s one of my all-time favorite scriptures for closing the door of one year and welcoming a new one:

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have laid hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14

Ending a year is like closing a book. You could go back and read it again, but nothing would be different. You can’t change the story, the characters, the plot, or the ending. It’s finished, and the only way to go is forward. There are new adventures to pursue. New storylines to write. It’s time to “press on toward the goal” that God has for you.

God’s Word is rich with promises, that give life to our hopes and dreams for the future. When we begin to grasp how much He loves us, we come alive inside. Our hopes begin to rise, and we begin to dream seemingly impossible dreams because WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Consider this one simple verse:

Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ…
Ephesians 1:4

Before He ever formed the earth, God imagined you and dreamed of YOU! Yes, you! Unique you, quirky you, full-of-potential you! Then, at just the right time, you were born. And God’s desire, since before time, has been that the two of you could have an amazing life together! That truth may have been a little fuzzy, blurry, or downright lost in 2018; but I’m believing that 2019 will be a year of razor-sharp focus for all of us!

Get ready for truth to explode in your heart and change the way you think about your life. It’s time for an upgrade!

Speaking of upgrades, we’re excited to introduce our new church app “We Are Cathedral”! It’s available in app stores NOW. We’d love for you to go ahead and download it and give it a test drive before Sunday. We’ll spend a little time in service this Sunday explaining some of the new features along with our improved online giving platform. We hope you’ll enjoy these new resources for a new year!

I can’t wait to see you Sunday. Let’s have a wonderful first worship service in 2019 together!!!

With renewed hope,

Mike Lewis