April 26, 2019

Dear Cathedral Family,

Thank you so much for inviting your friends and family to join us for Easter last Sunday. We have a lot to celebrate – over 150 people made the decision to follow Jesus! Now we hope to partner with all these wonderful new believers on their journey to knowing God and living out their unique purpose.

This Sunday, we’re starting our new series – I Want to Believe in God, but…! Our focus for this first week will be taking the message Pastor Megan Turner shared at Easter to the next level. How do we tear down the walls of past mistakes, hurts, and heartbreaks? How do we get back to God’s original design for us? How do we experience the transformational love of God that trounces fear (1 Peter 4:18)?

I could not be more excited about this series as we address questions and mindsets that keep us distant from God. It’s time to close the gap and let truth bring freedom!

Many of you have asked about the de Visser family who minister in their native Sri Lanka. Thankfully, they are all safe. Prashan sent an update earlier this week asking for us to agree with them in prayer:

Funerals have started; many children are among the victims. Pray for comfort and peace from the Lord that surpasses our understanding. Pray for peace and that no riots or violence will erupt. We don’t want another civil war.

We will never leave Sri Lanka for comfort and safety elsewhere. We cannot serve our hurting people from afar. God called us here, for better or for worse …we will serve in our country. Our church and family have lived and served through persecution of the church, tsunamis, civil wars, terror attacks, corrupt and violent political regimes.

God has protected us through all. We are committed to be His light in this darkness, because Jesus is the Hope of the Nations.

Pray that we will remain faithful. Pray that God will have His way in Sri Lanka and our world.

We stand in agreement with our brothers and sisters! Thank you for continuing to pray.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Mike Lewis